pibas Smart Anti-Money Laundering

PIBAS' Smart Anti-Money Laundering system offers the power of expertly defined rules and strategies for a fast,
accurate & flexible response to the evolving money laundering problems. For institutions requiring advanced levels
of analytics with a business intelligence solution, a custom neural network can be added in the system to provide an
increased level of risk protection.

The system's powerful mechanism caters for identification of more complex money laundering schemes at individual,
corporate & at country level. The Smart Anti-Money Laundering Business Risk Profile [BRP] scoring engine offers lower
false positives, allowing staff to focus on the highest risk activity. The system provides reasons to the investigators for
the BRP score in order to facilitate them in a more efficient analysis of AML cases


    • Works for both:
      • Banks / Branches
      • Central Bank (Country wide consolidation)
    • An integral part of the Transaction, Clearing & Remittances Modules, and also
      warns whenever a suspicious transaction is being posted in these modules
    • Authenticates the customer / company / charitable organization as a legal entity
      during the account opening activity through CRM module
    • Provides flexible parameters for recording sources of funds, uses of funds, number of
      transactions & maximum quantum value of each transaction per day, week, month or year
    • Generates user-configurable reports for all the logged activities
    • Generates specialized reports which includes the following:
      • Real-time Transaction Monitoring
      • Real-time Customer Relationship Management [CRM] Monitoring Mechanics which check
        various negative lists (such as OFAC) and represent an initial and ongoing part of "know your
        customer" (KYC) requirements
      • Real-time Inward / Outward Remittances Monitoring
    • Real-time alert mechanism:
      • Alert message
      • Email
      • SMS
    • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reports)
    • Can be integrated with any Core Banking application
    • Transparently works with core system
    • The solution contains rational processes to support significant analytical tools